JAKARTA - The witness in the trial of the corruption case in the procurement of teaching and learning supporting equipment (APBM) at the Health Polytechnic (Poltekkes) of the Mataram Ministry of Health, NTB, for the 2016 fiscal year worth IDR 19 billion, Erna Kristinawati revealed that there were useless items. "As far as I know, all of these were used, except for the four COD Reactors," said Erna Kristinawati, giving testimony at the follow-up hearing of the cases belonging to the defendants Awan Dramawan and Zainal Fikri before the Panel of Judges at the Corruption Court at the Mataram District Court, as reported by Antara, Thursday, January 4. The witness, who is the Head of Subunit (Kasubnit) of the Mataram Health Analyst Department of the Ministry of Health, revealed this in the year of the procurement of the equipment, answered the public prosecutor's question. From the indictment, it was revealed that the four COD Reactor units were distributed to five laboratories under the department of health analysts. For the cause of not being used, Erna admitted that she did not know about it. "I just found out that it was not used during an investigation at the prosecutor's office, it turned out that the COD Reactor was not used. Why? It was not my capacity to answer," he said. However, he admitted that he had asked the laboratory management who received the goods, the reason for not being used was because there were incomplete components. "So, this is goods directly to each laboratory. When I asked why it wasn't used? He said there were incomplete components," he said. In witness knowledge, this tool is usually used for wastewater testing. "Whether the waste water can be used or not, that's its function," said the witness. During the trial, the prosecutor also presented four units of COD Reactor before the panel of judges. However, when asked again about the goods, Erna admitted that she had never seen them. This tool to test wastewater is included as one of the completeness of APBM procurement goods originating from the Indonesian Ministry of Health. From the results of the NTB BPKP audit, the 4 units of goods were included as one of the items contributing to state financial losses, which counted from the total purchase of Rp230 million. Overall, the audit of state financial losses from BPKP NTB reached 3.2 billion. This loss figure arises from the problem of several items that are not used because they do not match the brand and specifications of goods.
For the provisions of the standard brand and the specifications of goods, refer to the Decree of the Minister of Health (Kepmenkes) RI Number: HK.03.05/IV/14354.1/2010 concerning the Standards of the Health Workers Education Laboratory.

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