West Java Regional Police (Polda) deployed 500 personnel to Sumedang Regency to assist the evacuation process for residents affected by the earthquake in the area.

"After this disaster, we did the handling, prioritizing the safety of our lives. So, we did carry out a mapping related to the affected victims," said Head of Public Relations of the West Java Police, Kombes Pol Ibrahim Tompo in Sumedang, West Java, Thursday, January 3, as reported by Antara.

He added that his party had intensified blue light patrols or turned on blue lights in a number of areas affected by the earthquake in Sumedang Regency, as an effort to anticipate crime during an earthquake.

"There are blue light patrols that have been prepared so that the affected areas are carried out by patrols that will reach these areas," he said.

Furthermore, he said the West Java Regional Police together with stakeholders had also alerted officers to rescue residents if at any time a disaster occurred again.

"Because the police personnel that we deploy are equipped with competence for disaster management, then also supporting equipment. This includes health that really needs it when needed," he said.

Meanwhile, Acting (Pj) Sumedang Regent Herman Suryatman said his party was continuing to check related to the latest developments after the 4.8 magnitude earthquake that damaged a number of residents' houses as well as public facilities such as hospitals.

The Sumedang Regency Government, he said, would pay attention to all the needs of the people affected by the earthquake, including the problem of daily food needs.

"It is certain that the community can eat three times a day and we will all get enough of the needs,"

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