Secretary General of the PDI-P (PDIP) Hasto Kristiyanto quipped the milk program and free lunch belonging to pair number two, Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka. According to him, the program is different from the one brought by pair number three, Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD, which prioritizes various people's needs.

"People can compare even if the free meal program with imported milk reaches more than Rp. 400 trillion," Hasto told reporters at the PDIP DPP office, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, January 2.

Hasto said that the various Ganjar-Mahfud programs in the 2024 presidential election were indeed greater, reaching Rp506 trillion. However, all community needs have been met.

"Mr. Ganjar's populist program with a wider range of social assistance, BLT, job creation, one undergraduate poor house, then buying land for a house and the various Sakti ID cards programs are only IDR 506 trillion," he said.

Hasto also explained that all programs brought by Ganjar-Mahfud are of course aimed at overcoming poverty. In addition, they are also trying to move the community's economy through various programs both during campaigns and when they take office.

"For example, Pak Prabowo with free milk is imported. Yesterday we divided the eggs produced by the people themselves. The benefits are also much more because we (already, ed) consulted with nutritionists. We designed the program with research, not electoral aspects. This is what distinguishes, "he said.

As previously reported, presidential candidate number three Ganjar Pranowo has also satirized the free lunch program carried by Prabowo-Gibran. The moment happened when he told about his meeting with a priest named Leo while campaigning in Papua.

Ganjar, repeated the story that Leo had mentioned that there were no facilities for mothers who were about to give birth in their residential areas.

"Ladies and gentlemen, how do you help them? If they take them to the hospital, the hospital is far away. Where do they have to go? Not (because) the road is damaged or bad, (but) there is no way," said Ganjar during a gathering with exponents, alumni, and activists of the Indonesian National Student Movement (GMNI) in Jakarta, reported by ANTARA, Thursday, December 28.

"And then we partyed talking very high. Sorry, and then Rp400 trillion wanted to be used for lunch," said Ganjar, who was greeted by the audience.

Not only that, Ganjar also conveyed a similar satire when launching Freelin at Borsumy Heritage, Semarang, Monday, January 1 yesterday. The free internet program is said to be needed by the public more than free lunch.

"I give you a choice, whether or not, free lunch or free internet," said the former Governor of Central Java.

"Free internet," said the participants who attended the event.

Ganjar admitted that he had asked the same thing when he went to Boyolali, Central Java. The answer is also the same, there needs more free internet than lunch.

"Yesterday I asked Boyolali, it turned out that I prefer the internet to be free. Because lunch is enough. It's already lunch, it's visible," he concluded.

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