Two brothers in Pematang Siantar City, North Sumatra have the heart to abuse their own biological father indiscriminately to death, at his home in the Jalan Pdt Wismar Saragih area, Siantar Martoba District, Pematang Siantar City, North Sumatra.

The two children were suspected of molesting their biological father because they did not accept that their mother was referred to their father after three years apart from bed.

The two children each had the initials OAP (18 years) and AJP (16). Both were arrested by the Pematang Siantar City Resort Police Criminal Investigation Unit a few hours after the incident without a fight.

In front of the officers, the perpetrator OAP admitted that he had abused his own biological father with his younger brother AJP. The two of them beat the father to death by beating the back, eyes, head, and pressing the victim's head to the floor.

Pematang Siantar Police Chief Adjunct Senior Commissioner of Yogen Heroes Bruno said the incident took place on Saturday, December 30, 2023. At that time, the perpetrator's biological mother was at the victim's house, namely Rudi Santo Pasaribu (51), who was none other than the biological father of the two perpetrators after attending the funeral of his family who died.

Then the two perpetrators came to his father's house to bring his biological mother home. Previously, it was known that the mother and the two perpetrators lived together in Batam City after his mother had been separated for three years from the victim, who was previously suspected of having a less harmonious relationship, but had not divorced.

When the two perpetrators were about to take their mother, but were prohibited by the victim until a verbal altercation ensued and led to mistreatment of the victim.

"The slash between the two children and their father until there was a struggle. The father was then fought by his children, there was a holding hand, pushing each other. Because two people, the father lost, then there was persecution. At that time the father was face down, then beaten by the two perpetrators," said Yogen, Monday, January 1.

After being mistreated and helpless, continued Yogen, the two perpetrators then contacted his mother and aunt and then the victim was taken to the Efarina Hospital in Pematang Siantar City, but unfortunately the victim's life could not be saved until he finally died.

"At that time the Satreskrim team was conducting a crime scene investigation and met the two perpetrators and was then taken to the Police Headquarters for interrogation and they admitted all their actions. The perpetrator with the initials OAP (18) then AJP (16)," he explained.






In this case, investigators from the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Pematang Siantar Police confiscated a number of evidences, namely clothes belonging to the perpetrators which contained bloodstains.

To account for his actions, now the two brothers are forced to languish in the detention cell of the Pematang Siantar Police Headquarters. Both are threatened with multiple articles, namely Article 338 of the Criminal Code concerning killer and Article 170 paragraph (2) of the Criminal Code with a penalty of more than 10 years in prison.

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