Golkar Malut Aims For Great Victory In The 2024 General Election, Target DPRD Leaders In 10 Regencies/Cities
Chairman of the North Maluku Golkar Party DPD, Alien Mus, Monday (1/1/2024).

JAKARTA - The North Maluku Golkar Golkar Party (Golkar) is targeting to win a big victory in North Maluku Province in the 2024 General Election (Pemilu). "Candidates for legislative members (caleg) have been introduced by Golkar to the public. We are eager to win in 10 regencies/cities to become leaders or Chairmans of the DPRD," said the chairman of the DPD Golkar Malut, Alien Mus, in Ternate, Monday, January 1. According to him, with this big ambition, the North Maluku Golkar Party is currently aggressively in introducing legislative candidates (Pileg) 2024. For Ternate City, said Alien who is also a member of the DPR-RI, for the 2024 Pileg, Golkar Malut targets as many as 7 DPRD seats to win as leaders or chairman of the DPRD. "Of course we will make this Ternate city a priority for victory from the Golkar Party. With the current gas of the Golkar Party, God willing, the seven seats are targeted," he said. Ternate City, according to Alien, is the door of North Maluku Province, for that he hopes that in the future it must be even better, the economy of both the community will be more advanced and prosperous.

"Setidaknya Partai Golkar ingin hadir untuk melibatkan dirinya berkontribusi yang terbaik untuk kemajuan dari Kota Ternate. Ke depan juga saya mau benar-benar melibatkan diri saya untuk pembangunan di Malut, " katanya.Untuk Pemilihan Presiden (Pilpres), TKD Prabowo-Gibran Malut menargetkan kemenangan di angka 60 persen, bahkan hingga 70 persen."Target 60 persen kita menang, tapi Insya Allah dengan pergerakan yang ada ini juga, kabupaten kota juga sudah gerak juga mudah mudahan kita bisa sampai 70 persen Insya Allah," katanya.Dia menambahkan dalam waktu dekat dirinya akan melakukan permintaan ke Cawapres nomor urut 2 Gibran Rakabuming Raka agar berkunjung ke Malut."Dalam agenda rutin Gibran saat ini saya akan minta mas Gibran untuk turun di Maluku Utara kemudian nanti juga pak Prabowo. Jadi, kalau bisa sih Pak Prabowo turun bersamaan dengan mas Gibran," ujarnya.

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