Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas spokesman Nabil Abu Rudeineh on Sunday stated that there would be no peace or stability if Israel's occupation of the entire Palestinian territories, including Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem, would not be stopped.

Responding to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's recent remarks on Israel's takeover plan over the Philadelphi Corridor on the Palestinian-Egyptian border, Abu Rudeineh stressed that the top national priority right now is to stop Israeli aggression in Gaza.

Stopping attacks by military-backed Israeli terrorist militias in Palestinian cities, villages, and refugee camps in the West Bank are also top priorities, he said, reported by ANTARA, Saturday, January 1.

Furthermore, the spokesman emphasized that "instead of arming Israel, the United States Government should be responsible for achieving security and stability, not only in Palestine but also to prevent escalation of tensions in the region."

"The US bears the responsibility to implement international legitimacy resolutions and requires Israel to stop their aggression," he said.

Abu Rudeineh also stressed that the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) is the only representative of the Palestinian people as well as a symbol of their independence and sovereignty.

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