JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo and TNI Commander General Agus Subiyanto ensured that their staff would secure New Year's Eve 2024. TNi-Polri held a video conference (Vicon) at the Metro Jaya Police Promoter Building.
General Sigit arrived at the location at 18.55 WIB. In his arrival, Deputy Police Chief Brigadier General Suyudi Ario Seto and other top officials were greeted.
Shortly thereafter, TNI Commander General Agus Subiyanto also arrived at the Metro Jaya Police Promoter Building at 20.13 WIB.
It was seen that when General Agus arrived at the location, he was immediately greeted by the Metro Jaya Police Chief Inspector General Karyoto and Pangdam Jaya/Jayakarta Major General Mohamad Hasan.
After that, the Commander together with the Kapolda and the Pangdam entered the building. Before entering the room at the Metro Jaya Police Promoter Building, the Commander gave greetings to the media crew.
As soon as he arrived at the monitoring location, General Sigit immediately listened to the explanation regarding the Kamtibmas situation on New Year's Eve 2024.
Then, General Sigit held an interactive dialogue with regional ranks virtually from representatives of a number of Polda submitting reports to the National Police Chief.
Commander-in-Chief Agus also did the same thing by having an interactive dialogue with his staff. The goal is to ensure that each region is conducive.
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