The Bogor Police Traffic Unit will carry out traffic engineering to anticipate a surge in motorists during the turn of the New Year 2024. A total of 450 personnel were deployed in this security.

Bogor Police Traffic Head AKP R. Rizky Guntama Ganda Permana said the hundreds of personnel would be placed at a number of points from Jakarta to the Puncak area, Bogor Regency.

"Personnel are located at the top of 450 personnel. From the toll exit to Gadog," Rizky said when confirmed, Sunday, December 31.

"As we have given, 18.00 WIb-06.00 WIB will be diverted from the direction of Jakarta to the summit," he continued.

Rizky explained that in the Puncak area, my car Free Night will also be engineered. The goal is to anticipate long traffic jams at that location.

"Like last year that the New Year celebration was held at the peak, we anticipate by engineering Car Free Night from 21.00 to 01.00 at the top," he said.

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