Malang City Police (Polresta), East Java (Jatim), handled a murder case accompanied by mutilation with suspect JM (61) against his wife with the initials MS (55).

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of Malang City Police, Kompol Danang Yudanto, said the perpetrator killed his wife because of domestic problems.

"The victim was found to be cut in several parts. After this, an autopsy will be carried out," said Danang in Malang, East Java, Sunday, December 31, as reported by Antara.

After killing his wife, JM surrendered to the Blimbing Sector Police (Polsek), Sunday, December 31 morning. The suspect is currently being detained by the police.

Based on information received by the police, the victim returned home on Jalan Serayu, Bunulrejo Village on Saturday, December 30. Neighbors had heard of a feud between the victim and the perpetrator.

"However, after that, no more votes were heard. The suspect turned himself in to the Blimbing Police, then the officers detained him. Further legal proceedings were carried out," he said.

He revealed that the victim's body was found in a bucket in the yard with the pink fence.

Malang City Police will immediately conduct an examination of the perpetrators, including the suspect's mental condition.

"The suspect admitted his actions. After this, we conducted an examination of the suspect, including a mental examination," he said.

From the results of the crime scene (TKP), the police confiscated a number of evidences such as several equipment suspected of committing violence against the victim. In addition, a knife and machete were also confiscated and a plastic bag that was suspected of being prepared by the suspect.

"We will examine the suspect to find out the motive and how to kill the victim," said Kompol Danang.

Meanwhile, the Head of RT4/2 Bunulrejo Village, Slamet Afandi, admitted that he only found out about the incident at around 08.45 WIB.

Based on the information he received, the perpetrator had surrendered to the police.

He said that the husband and wife were often involved in fights. In addition, the two people also did not interact much with local residents and tended to be closed. The two also had a fight the night before.

"I just found out about this incident at around 08.45 WIB. The perpetrators of the information surrendered," he said.

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