Presidential candidate number three, Ganjar Pranowo, ensures that the implementation of the Sakti KTP will not take up a budget because the system already exists. Only, the political will or political will needed to make the flagship program a success.

This was conveyed by Ganjar when launching the Sakti KTP Program at Bangsalan Square, Central Java, on Saturday, December 30, 2023. He said this program was actually based on the Population Identification Number (NIK).

KTP Sakti's system already exists, namely One Indonesian Data whose basis is NIK. So, it's just a matter of profiling, there's no need to spend more to create a new system. It's just a matter of political will, really," said Ganjar as quoted in his written statement.

Ganjar said the Sakti KTP program which will unite all aid services for the community is the idea of many parties. It is hoped that in the future there will be no more overlapping data, especially recipients of social assistance (bansos) from the government.

Moreover, when Ganjar toured various cities, many people still complained about the provision of social assistance. One of them, regarding who is entitled to receive it.

"This can cause jealousy, then it is said to be not on target. Through the Sakti ID card, this will be fixed," he said.

It doesn't stop there, this Sakti KTP will also improve a number of aid programs, such as the Healthy Indonesia Card (KIS). Ganjar said, many poor people try to seek treatment with this card, but can't because it is blocked for unclear reasons.

Then, Sakti's KTP will also identify residents who work as farmers and fishermen. So, they can get the needed assistance, such as fertilizers to fuel oil subsidies (BBM).

"With the Sakti ID card, it will be read later on, the profile of each population, including the categorization of poor, medium and upper (rich) families. The assistance will also be directed, targeted," concluded the former Governor of Central Java.

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