JAKARTA - The Cianjur Police, West Java, has arrested the former Village Head of Bunisari Rohmawati who is a suspect in the alleged corruption of village funds in 2019 worth IDR 304 million.

The Head of Cianjur Police, AKBP Mochamad Rifai said that Rohmawati was arrested, who had disappeared after being named an alleged corruption suspect in village funds, because of reports of the suspect's whereabouts in Cijangkar Village, Nyalindung District, Sukabumi.

"The suspect did not use the funds for the development program in Bunisari Village, where when he was still the village head. The aid from the central government was used to enrich himself," Rifai said in Cianjur, quoted by Antara, Friday, February 19.

He explained that the village funds for phase III of the 2019 budget amounting to Rp. 304 million, which should have been used for the construction of irrigation canals and environmental roads, were used by the suspect for daily needs and enriching himself. Development results show the suspect did it himself.

The officers succeeded in securing evidence in the form of a request for disbursement of phase III village funds, one statement of accountability, one request for disbursement of village transfer funds, a bundle of Bunisari Village Perdes, a statement from the sub-district head and others.

"After the funds were disbursed, the suspect was immediately controlled by the village head. As a result, a number of development programs that should have been carried out were neglected, so that a number of parties including residents reported the actions of the village head to the authorities," he said.

Rohmawati will be charged with Article 2 paragraph (1) and Article 3 of Law Number 20 Year 2001 regarding Amendments to Law Number 31 Year 1999 concerning Corruption Crime with the threat of 20 years in prison.

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