JAKARTA - The National Campaign Team (TKN) of Fanta Prabowo-Gibran socializes the importance of cultural conservation to young people on the island of Java.

"Young people must care about cultural values, because in cultural values that are already firmly rooted, the identity of the nation is formed," said TKN Commander FantaPrabowo-Gibran, Arief Rosyid Hasan, as reported by ANTARA, Saturday, December 30.

Arief said the cultural socialization was held in four regions during December 2023, namely Subang, Wonosobo, Yogyakarta, and Mojokerto.

According to Arief, young people have an obligation to preserve the nation's culture in the midst of heavy foreign cultural information through social media.

By preserving culture, continued Arief, young people will have good identities and characteristics to build the nation.

"From there, we learn about leadership, spirituality, mentality, and intellectuality that will form us into tough youths to realize Indonesia Gold," he explained.

Meanwhile, the Coordinator of Fanta Nusantara Bagoes Pamungkas explained that cultural preservation among young people is also in the vision and mission of Asta Cita Prabowo-Gibran.

Therefore, Bagoes hopes that this activity can foster a sense of youth love for Indonesian culture.

"Asta Cita Prabowo-Gibran has a focus on cultural progress as a node of unity from our pluralistic nation," said Bagoes.

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