JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has said that it has never stopped investigating cases of suspected bribery for the procurement of COVID-19 social assistance. The case that caught Juliari Batubara as social minister.

This was conveyed by the KPK in response to the steps taken by the Coordinator of the Indonesian Anti-Corruption Society (MAKI) Boyamin Saiman who filed a pretrial lawsuit at the South Jakarta District Court over the handling of the social assistance bribery case carried out by the KPK.

"So we emphasize that there is absolutely no stopping of investigations for the handling of the case in question," said Acting KPK spokesman in his statement, Friday, February 19.

Ali said, currently the KPK is still calling witnesses for the sake of proving the elements of the article in the case file. Meanwhile, for searches, said Ali, it is part of an investigation strategy in an effort to find the completeness of evidence in the case. For this reason, the place and time of the search activities include information that is exempted by law.

"Searching or summoning someone as a witness is a need for investigation not because there is a request or pressure from another party," he said.

He said, the KPK respects the pretrial lawsuit submitted by MAKI. The legal step, he said, was part of community participation in overseeing and supervising the case handling process conducted by the KPK.

"The KPK respects the rights of the public, including Boyamin, to participate in overseeing the process of handling the alleged corruption case at the Ministry of Social Affairs," he said.

Meanwhile, MAKI filed a pretrial lawsuit against the KPK for handling a case of suspected bribery for the provision of Covid-19 social assistance (social assistance). The pretrial was submitted by MAKI to the South Jakarta District Court (PN Jaksel), Friday, February 19.

Boyamin Saiman stated that this lawsuit was filed because his party assessed that the KPK had neglected the handling of this bribery case. At least this is based on the failure of all search permits issued by the KPK Supervisory Board (Dewas).

In its lawsuit, MAKI also questioned how slow the KPK was to investigate Ihsan Yunus. In fact, the investigative team searched the house of Ihsan Yunus' parents and examined Ihsan Yunus Rakyan Ikram's younger brother.

In fact, in the reconstruction carried out by the KPK, it was revealed that there was a provision of money amounting to Rp1.5 billion and two units of Brompton-brand bicycles to Ihsan through Agustri Yogasmara, which is known as Ihsan Yunus operator.

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