JAKARTA - Presidential Candidate (Capres) Ganjar Pranowo is optimistic that the 7 percent economic growth target initiated with Vice Presidential Candidate (Cawapres) Mahfud MD can be achieved.

Ganjar ensured that the growth contribution would be dominated by the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), not State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN).

"If we only talk about SOEs, then large investments, it's difficult, but let's calculate the MSMEs, there are many units, real strengths have been proven to support Indonesia's economy during times of crisis," said Ganjar when meeting batik craftsmen in Sukoharjo, Central Java, Tuesday.

The reason is, the presidential and vice presidential candidate pair Number Urut 3 carries a program to produce 1.6 micro-forward entrepreneurs. Both want small traders, craftsmen, food makers, and shop owners to contribute to economic growth.

"We have asked the team to calculate the real strength, which is now not recorded, so that we have special treatment, special facilities for them, so this is a very large economic movement," said Ganjar.

In addition to MSMEs, especially micro-enterprises, Ganjar-Mahfud also focuses on encouraging the maritime agro sector as a source of Indonesia's new economic strength, through the Proud Farming program and Prosperous Fishermen.

Ganjar explained that through the Proud of Farming and Prosperous Fishermen program, there was economic equality in the village so that no more people went to the city to earn a living because they could work in villages through priority sectors.

"If we look at the basis of the village, its strength can be in the agricultural sector, in the food sector, livestock, fisheries, which is usually characterized by agglomarities. Indonesia has great potential in this sector, so it can be optimized to become a motor of economic growth," said Ganjar.

In addition, he continued, the creative industry can also be encouraged by micro business actors. For example, batik and herbal medicine can be made and packaged more modern so that the market can be expanded.

Ganjar appreciated the creative industry for bringing herbal medicine into the hotel to Welcome Drink, also packaged into ice cream, snacks for all ages.

"Things like this that we can adopt to be encouraged to other creative industries. So if we want to talk about economic growth, there is a small economic power that can actually become a booster," said Ganjar.

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