JAKARTA - Chairman of the General Elections Commission (KPU) Hasyim Asyari denied that the Vice Presidential Candidate number 2, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, used three microphones at once, namely Clip-on, Hand-held and Head-set during the vice presidential debate last night as Roy Suryo said. According to Hasyim, the former Menpora slandered.

"Roy suryo is indeed a slanderous man," said Hasyim to reporters, Saturday, December 23.

Hasyim emphasized that the three Cawapres used the same tool. In fact, it can be asked to television stations as debate organizers.

"All Cawapres use 3 microphones to anticipate that there is a dead microphone. Not ear feeder. It's a microphone attached to the cheek and stuck to the ear," said Hasyim.

"All vice presidential candidates can be asked as well as the debate organizer TV station, as well as the Paslon Team in the holding-room when installing the microphone, can be asked," he added.

As the organizer, Hasyim said, the KPU is ready to take responsibility if it is fraudulent in the debate.

"Sponential debate, it is impossible to be detected, listen to whispers or read contekan," he concluded.

Previously, Telematic Observer Roy Suryo said Gibran used three microphones at once, namely Clip-on, Hand-held and Head-set. However, he said, the problem is not the microphone but the alleged use of Hidden Earpieces.

"The point is not the microphone, but Hidden Earpiece which can be used to feed information from the Whispering Team," Roy said in his statement, Saturday, December 23.

According to him, currently the Earpiece is no longer a conventional model that enters the ears, but some are quite affixed behind the ear.

"The shape is thin like last night," he continued.

Roy Suryo proposed this because it was to prevent fraud during the next debate. In addition, he said, other candidate pairs must also refuse.

"So the other candidate pairs should refuse, if the microphone is used again, the shape of the headset is, because when the KPU chairman uses one handheld microphone, it is very good and looks neat," said Roy.

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