JAKARTA - Chairman of the General Elections Commission (KPU) Hasyim Asy'ari asked vice presidential candidates (cawapres) to reduce gimmicks during a debate on Friday, December 22 tonight. Hasyim also asked the winning team of each presidential and vice presidential candidate pair not to be provocative and maintain the conduciveness of the debate. "Yesterday's situation was also considered an disordered matter that we also conveyed after the evaluation, we gave a warning so that the things we have done. "The agreement is not fulfilled, it should also not be repeated in the arena of upcoming debate," said Hasyim. Hasyim understands that the gimmick can occur due to the influence of the situation and psychology during the debate. However, his party hopes that the gimmick will be reduced during the debate. "The situational and psychological influences in the debate area of each party," he said. Furthermore, Hasyim said, there would be a litison officer (LO) in the vice presidential debate arena on Friday night this is to maintain order in the team of each candidate pair. "To control or maintain joint order, it was agreed that each team of candidate pairs then there was an LO in the debate arena, so that it would then become the controlling atmosphere in each team of candidate pairs," he said. According to Hasyim, the LO is provided by each team of candidate pairs so that communication is easier. "The LO is to communicate with the invitation from the candidate pair team, who knows who is invited, how many, "Where do you sit, friends from the candidate pair team, so LO from the candidate pair team," concluded Hasyim. It is known that the inaugural vice presidential debate will be held at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) Senayan, Central Jakarta, Friday at 19.00 WIB. The theme of the vice presidential debate will raise economic themes (activity and digital), finance, taxes, and governance of the APBN-APBD, investment, trade, infrastructure, and urbanity. Tonight the vice presidential debate will be guided by two moderators namely Alfito Deannova and Liviana Cherlisa. 11 panelists as a team to compile questions for the vice presidents. As the first debate, the vice presidential debate will consist of six segments with details of the first segment being the presentation of vision and mission, work programs by each cawapres. The second and third segments are material deepening with questions from panelists read out by moderators.

Then, the fourth and fifth segments are the opportunity for each vice presidential candidate to ask each other questions. The question was answered by each vice presidential candidate and responded again by the vice presidential candidate who asked. The sixth segment is closing statements or final statements as a conclusion for each vice presidential candidate on the theme of debate. The vice presidential debate will last within 150 minutes with details of 120 minutes for the debate and 30 minutes for advertising.

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