JAKARTA - The Prabowo-Gibran National Campaign Team (TKN) revealed the reason for the Vice Presidential Candidate number 2, Gibran Rakabuming Raka will master the second debate forum held by the KPU at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC), Friday, December 22 evening.

Even though he is not experienced, the eldest son of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) is considered not to have a'sin'. This young man, Mas Gibran, has not had much experience, but of course his sins are not many, he doesn't even have a sin yet," said Deputy Chairperson of TKN Prabowo-Gibran, Afriansyah Noor, in his statement, Friday, December 22. Afriansyah understands, Gibran is not a well-known figure on stage. However, according to him, Jan Ethes's father is a smart young man. "I firmly believe that Mr. Gibran is a smart and intelligent figure, but cannot be efficacious because he is indeed unchaotic and he also cannot be sweetened and he also can't be sweetened, sweet-formed," he said. Afriansyah is also convinced that Gibran is mastering the theme of tonight's debate which includes the Economy (Financial and Digital), Finance, Tax, Tax, Trade, Management of the APBN and APBD, Infrastructure, and Urbanity. "Well, regarding him facing a vice presidential debate, I personally strongly support and of course with his experience when he was mayor, there is also a mayor debate, now there is also a vice presidential debate, the difference is now wider, nationally," he said. The Secretary General of the Crescent Star Party (PBB) is optimistic, Gibran can explain his vision of his mission as a vice presidential candidate as well and easily understood by the community. Gibran, according to him, can certainly answer well various questions from his two competitors. "Mas Gibran himself believes that he can definitely face the questions that will be asked, if indeed there is, from each candidate to be given a question," he said.

Afriansyah added, Gibran will help perfect the various programs of President Jokowi's government if elected in 2024, together with Prabowo Subianto. "The good will continue, the less perfect will be perfected, and those who have not yet been running will be continued. So we believe, our candidate pair number 02 will win in one round," he concluded.

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