JAKARTA - PD Pasar Jaya, as a DKI Regional Owned Enterprise, admitted his mistake because he had sold masks at a high price, namely Rp. 300 thousand per box containing 50 sheets.
PD Pasar Jaya President Director Arief Nasruddin admitted that it was difficult for him to find manufacturers and distributors of masks that sell at low prices. For the initial purchase amount of 1,450 boxes of masks they were forced to get a high price.
"Actually, the information is not complete. Back again, it was my fault. We bought (1,450 boxes), the price was already that much (expensive). We didn't sell it (raised) at that price," said Arief when met at Pramuka Market, East Jakarta, Thursday , March 5.
While there are not many masks sold, PD Pasar Jaya has made "penance" by increasing the stock of 1 million masks, and changing their sales price to Rp 125 thousand per box. Meanwhile, the retail price is priced at IDR 2,500 per piece. These masks can be purchased at all Pramuka Market stores.
Meanwhile, PD Pasar Jaya also sells individual masks at a lower price, namely Rp1,940 per mask. However, these masks are only sold in shops owned by the DKI Provincial Government, such as JakGrosir Induk Kramat Jati and all Pasar Jaya outlets such as JakMart, Mini DC, and PopMom Store. The community is limited to only buying a maximum of 2 pieces.
"As Regional Owned Enterprises, we can allocate items that we can mark down. We buy from traders, we cooperate, and agree on the current price," said Arief.
Even though he has a large stock of masks, Arief said that every buyer who wants to buy a mask must carry his identity such as a KTP. In addition, per person is also limited to only being able to buy a mask at most one box.
The goal is for the public to be recorded in every purchase and avoid the potential for unscrupulous people to hoard masks.
"So it will be limited because the Pramuka Market is a wholesale type. So one person will then buy a box, and have an ID card, so it will be recorded," he said.
Arief claims, traders consisting of 240 shops operating in the Pramuka market have agreed on an agreed price based on the results of the market operation.
If there are traders who are still stubborn about increasing the selling price of masks, said Arief, his party will impose sanctions. Arief did not want to explain in detail about the compliance of traders. However, he said, the heaviest sanction was to be expelled from members of the association.
"There are sanctions, law enforcement. If you want to issue it you can, but I'm here with the traders, although there are still one or two. My hope is that tomorrow I will realize and follow the same rights," said Arief.
Previously, the DKI Provincial Government increased the stock of mask sales in Jakarta. However, the price of a box of masks sold by PD Pasar Jaya turned out to be expensive along with the selling price in markets and other shopping centers which often ran out of masks due to scarcity of stock and increased purchases.
The DKI Pemprov is charging the price of a box of masks branded Wellbest which is provided for Rp. 300 thousand with the contents of 50 sheets (pcs). Meanwhile, the unit price is IDR6,500.
In fact, the normal price of the Wellbest brand mask is quite cheap. Gatra admitted, the normal price if sold was around IDR 30 thousand. That means, the price sold by the Jakarta Provincial Government has increased ten times.
"For the most common one, the green color might cost around 30,000, if I'm not mistaken in Pramuka," PD Pasar Jaya Public Relations and Public Relations Manager Gatra Vagansa. "Yes, it is true (the price has increased). Indeed, the acquisition price itself is currently rising."

The sale of masks at fantastic prices by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government is being questioned. This is because DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan sells masks at a price of Rp. 300 thousand per box and Rp. 6,500 per piece.
Chairman of the Daily Management of the Indonesian Consumers Foundation (YLKI), Tulus Abadi, considers that the selling price of masks from DKI BUMD, PD Pasar Jaya, which is equivalent to a market game, is tantamount to exploiting the community as consumers.
"If a private entrepreneur sells it, we say it is immoral, then this is even more immoral to be done by Jayas Market, which is actually owned by the government," said Tulus.
Criticism of the high price of masks also came from the Jakarta DPRD PSI faction. Member of the PSI faction, Eneng Maliansari, assessed that this action tormented the middle and lower class people who daily shop at traditional markets.
The sale at the price of masks, said Eneng, contradicts the commitment expressed by Baswedan that will place the safety of citizens as the main thing in dealing with the corona virus infection.
"The government is actually an extension of the middlemen, what the community needs is the availability of masks at normal prices," said the woman who is familiarly called Mili.
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