JAKARTA - Russia sees its number one priority in the Gaza Strip as ending the bloodshed and resolving humanitarian problems, said Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, as the death toll in the Palestinian enclave continues to rise.

“Our meeting took place amidst the deteriorating situation in the Middle East and ongoing turmoil in the world. The intricate and complex nature of emerging challenges and threats requires a collective approach to address the task of strengthening peace and security in the region. and ensuring sustainable development is increasingly relevant," said Foreign Minister Lavrov at the plenary session of the Russian-Arab Cooperation Forum, reported by TASS 20 December.

"After the attacks of October 7, which we categorically condemn, the situation in the oldest trouble spot in this part of the world – in the Palestinian-Israeli confrontation zone – has worsened. This time, the violence we witness every day has reached an unprecedented scale, and it is truly a disaster. The dead and injured number in the tens of thousands. Most of them are civilians in the Gaza Strip, especially children and women," he added.

Data from the Ministry of Health in Gaza states that at least 19,667 Gazans have died as a result of Israeli attacks, since the conflict broke out on October 7, with ministry spokesman Ashraf al-Qudra adding that the number of those injured reached 52,586 people, quoted from Anadolu.

"The suffering of the residents of this enclave is exacerbated by the impact of the blockade imposed by Israel. We see our main task as stopping the bloodshed and ensuring conditions for providing the necessary humanitarian assistance to all those in need," explained Lavrov.

Russia's numerous attempts "together with its like-minded supporters to persuade the UN Security Council to adopt a resolution demanding a lasting ceasefire met with firm resistance from the United States, which took a unilateral stance and, as usual, tried to take over the process and any initiatives," he added.

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