Attorney General: Prosecutors Don't Be Nuts Who Forget Their Skin
Attorney General Sanitiar Burhanuddin. BETWEEN/HO-AGO

JAKARTA - Attorney General Sanitair Burhanuddin reminded his staff who were assigned to government agencies not to forget let alone ignore the progress of the institution, such as kacang who forgot his skin. "I don't want any prosecutors who while serving in other agencies forget or ignore the progress of the Prosecutor's institution. Don't be a peanut who forgets his skin, let alone become an enemy in a blanket," said Burhanuddin in his statement quoted by ANTARA, Monday, December 18. This was conveyed by Burhanuddin while giving directions while attending the Prosecutor's Employee Coordination Meeting which was assigned to government agencies and outside government agencies in 2023.

Starting his directive, Burhanuddin said that the coordination meeting of prosecutors assigned to government agencies and outside government agencies could be a means of gathering to strengthen solidarity in the framework of en ondeelbaardi between Adhyaksa personnel who work outside the Prosecutor's Office. As for the Prosecutor's Assignment or known as Prosecutors made outside the Prosecutor's Office is a mandate conveyed in Article 11A of Law Number 11 of 2021.

According to him, the assignment of the Prosecutor to other agencies must always consider the aspects of the needs, competence, and authority that exist to the Prosecutor. This assignment is carried out in government or non-governmental institutions. This shows that every line of national development requires the figures and contributions of the Prosecutors. "The assignment of the Prosecutor to other agencies is also increasing the important role of the Prosecutor, which is not only the dominus of the litis in the criminal justice system, but the Prosecutor also plays an important role in other areas of development," he said. Burhanuddin also emphasized that the Prosecutors served in any agency, as an extension of the Adhyaksa Corps so that they must always maintain the dignity of the Prosecutor's Office. "No matter how small the mistakes or bad actions committed in other agencies, those who will receive bad labels are not only private, but also the profession of the Prosecutor and the Prosecutor's Office itself," he said.

"For that I once again emphasize, Protect the dignity of the institution! and Work! Make the name of the Prosecutor's Office fragrant wherever you are assigned," said Burhanuddin.

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