SURABAYA - The Sat-resnarkoba Polda East Java dismantled the circulation of 6 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine in the cities of Surabaya and Sidoarjo.

The suspect was arrested on Tuesday, February 16 in Kupang, Gunung Timur. The arrest of this methamphetamine courier was due to information from the public regarding drug transactions.

The courier that was arrested was IS alias J, 35, a resident of Kupang Gunung Jaya, Putat Jaya Village, Sawahan District. From the suspect's hands, the police secured 22.81 grams of crystal methamphetamine.

The method was that the suspect IS aka J bought crystal methamphetamine from a person in Porong with the initials HRS, which is currently on the Wanted List (DPO). The plan was for the suspect to sell 22.81 grams of crystal methamphetamine in small packages.

"Sat-resnarkoba members get information from the public if there are frequent methamphetamine transactions in Putat Jaya. Members carry out investigations to make arrests of IS suspects", said Head of Public Relations of East Java Regional Police, Kombes Gatot Repli Handoko, in Surabaya, Thursday, February 18.

Meanwhile, from the results of the developments carried out, the police finally arrested another suspect, namely, ES, 27, a resident of Medokan Semampir, Sukolilo District, Surabaya.

The ES suspect is a subordinate of HRS who is currently the Police Data Protection Officer (DPO), who was arrested at his rented house on Jalan Raya Suko Legok, Legok Suko Village, Sukodono District, Sidoarjo.

"The ES suspect was arrested in Sukodono, Sidoarjo. He was arrested while in his rented house. From the suspect's hand, members secured 5 kg of crystal methamphetamine wrapped in Chinese tea", he explained.

During the search, the police found five packs of crystal methamphetamine wrapped in Chinese tea weighing 5.521 grams and seven plastic clips containing drugs weighing 455 grams.

Based on the police interrogation of the ES suspect, the methamphetamine that he controls belongs to RMB which is now a DPO, apart from RMB, another person who is also a DPO, namely SNY.

The ES suspect himself admitted that he had received methamphetamine twice from the RMB for distribution. If successful, the ES suspect will get a reward of IDR 50 million. "Now members are still hunting down two other suspects who are suspected of being the big meth dealers", he said.

The two suspects were charged under Article 114 paragraph (2) and Article 112 paragraph (2) RI Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning narcotics. With the threat of a sentence of 15 years in prison or life.

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