JAKARTA - Former chairman of the 2016-2018 Muhammadiyah Student Association (IMM) Ali Muthohirin and former chairman of the PP Presidium of the Indonesian Dharma Student Unit (KMHDI) 2021-2033 I Putu Yoga Saputra joined the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI).

PSI General Chair Kaesang Pangarep received the direct joining of Ali and Yoga at PSI Basecamp, Central Jakarta, Jakarta, Friday 15 December.

"I welcome you to the Indonesian Solidarity Party, Ali and Mas Yoga," said Kaesang in his remarks, confiscated by Antara.

Although both of them did not run as legislative candidates, Kaesang hopes that the joining of Ali and Yoga can help PSI advance to Senayan in the 2024 election.

Meanwhile, Ali revealed his reason for joining PSI because he had been in direct contact with politics since he was a student and activist.

"I joined PSI because of the ideological call that I found this at my (PSI) home in a political context," said Ali.

Before deciding to join a political party, Ali said he had seen PSI's progress since the party was established until now.

Meanwhile, I Putu Yoga Saputra chose PSI because he considered the party to be the only one who dared to encourage the Bill on Asset Confiscation to be ratified immediately.

"I feel PSI among all parties, dare to openly make the ratification of the Asset Confiscation Bill a vision of the party when compared to other parties," Yoga explained.

The next reason, Yoga felt that President Joko Widodo's "presence" at PSI was not as an individual but his thoughts about Indonesia as a centrist.

"The thinking about Indonesia is central, only policies that are not central in Java, but outside Java as well; then national development," he said.

After Ali and Yoga conveyed their reasons for joining PSI, Kaesang also welcomed and thanked the two former general chairmen of the student organization.

"Once again, I welcome you to PSI. Although the three of us did not relax, what is important is to help this party to be able to enter PSI into parliament in 2024 (Pemilu). Once again thank you," said Kaesang.

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