SURABAYA - Five bodies of landslide victims in Selopuro Hamlet, Ngetos District, Nganjuk Regency, East Java, were found again. Until now, one body is still in the search process, because it has not been found.

"As of the fifth day of this search, 18 people were found dead, and one person is currently still in search", said Head of the Surabaya Search and Rescue Office, Hari Adi Purnomo, confirmed on Thursday, February 18.

Hari said one of the five bodies was found in sector B on the south side. Meanwhile, the remaining four bodies were found in sector A on the north side.

"The body of an adult male who was dead was found in sector B at 11.28 WIB", said Hari.

Furthermore, at 11.35 WIB, an adult female victim was found dead in the search area in sector A. Then at 11.44 WIB, another adult female victim was found dead in the search area in sector A.

Then at 12.04 WIB, a victim of a male child was found dead in the search area in sector A. "Then at 12.39 WIB, an adult male victim was found dead in the search area. in sector A", he said.

A landslide disaster covered nine houses in Selopuro Hamlet, Ngetos Village, Ngetos District, Nganjuk Regency, Sunday night, February 14, 2021. As a result, 21 people were buried on the land meter because they did not have time to leave the house.

Of the 21 people buried, 18 were found dead, two survived, and now the remaining 1 victim has not been found, and is still in the search process.

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