JAKARTA - Perpetrators of abuse of biological children in densely populated areas, Muara Baru village, Penjaringan sub-district, North Jakarta, often act rudely against his third son named Kurniawan alias Wawan (10). Sudiono, Head of RT 22/17 Muara Baru sub-district, said that the actions of the man with the initials U (49) who was none other than the victim's father often acted rudely with the victim during his lifetime. "If you look at his behavior, he is a little emotional, the person is light in hand. His work does not settle, odd," said Sudiono to reporters, Friday, December 15. Furthermore, Sudiono said, currently, the age of the Cloud is approaching 11. However, the victim often gets physical violence from his biological father. "It has been warned by residents, (this incident) not once, he has often beaten his child. The victim is a third child," he said. Sudiono, the unfortunate incident occurred when the perpetrator U received news that his son had grazed another person's child.

"The problem was because he was riding a bicycle and continued to graze other people's children. Then because there was a report from his parents (who was grazed by a bicycle) that Cloud grazed another person's child, then his parents were emotionally out of control," he said. So suddenly, he continued, the perpetrator had the heart to abuse the child until he slammed him. "From the neighbor's information, (when slammed the victim's life) it was still there. It is possible that there was no (died) on the trip. Because of the incident, (the victim) was bleeding but not conscious," he said. Previously, the police followed up on the case of the death of a 9-year-old child who was allegedly slammed by his own biological father with the initials U (49) in Muara Baru, Penjaringan, North Jakarta. Penjaringan Police Chief, Kompol Bobby Danuardi said that his party had arrested the alleged perpetrator. The perpetrator has been arrested. His father is indeed a temperamental,' Bobby said when confirmed, Thursday, December 14. When asked further, Bobby could not explain yet. Because the case has been followed up by the North Jakarta Metro Police.

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