JAKARTA - Kurniawan alias Awan (10), a boy who died in the hands of his biological father because he was beaten and slammed, turned out to be a child with special needs. This condition was confirmed by the Head of RT 22/17 Muara Baru Village, Penjaringan, Sudiono. "The victim has special needs as well. Her child is active, almost all regions of the new estuary must know the victim," said Sudiono to reporters at the Kramat Jati Police Hospital, East Jakarta, Friday, December 15. During his lifetime, Awan, the nickname of the boy who died in his biological father had a stuttering accent. "The baby still has a saddle. The baby's medicine, since he was born, he said he was still stuttering," he said.

Due to the death of Clouds, the victim's mother had experienced severe shocks. But now the condition of the victim's mother has gradually improved and was strong after being given reinforcement by her neighbors. "The victim's mother was in shock, now she is better," he said. In addition, Sudiono recalled, during his lifetime, Awan was a cheerful child. Even though he was naughty, he was still in a natural way at the age of a child his age. "For naughty, it's natural, for the child level. His child was cheerful. He used to go to school, but he couldn't go out for a year. Because of his behavior at school. Because he had special needs," he said. After the incident, the perpetrator of violence with the initials U (49) has been arrested and detained by the North Jakarta Metro Police.

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