BANDA ACEH - A total of 180 Rohingya refugees who were accommodated on the edge of Gampong Blang Raya Beach, Pidie Regency, were moved away from local residential areas.

"We moved it to another location because Rohingya refugees were disturbing the community, they defecated (BAB) into a pond owned by residents," said Keuchik Gampong Batee Zakaria as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, December 13.

Zakaria said the Rohingya refugee tents had been dismantled by residents, and shifted to the west so that actions that disturbed the community would not be repeated.

Zakaria explained that people who previously rejected the arrival of the Rohingya ethnicity, but finally wanted to temporarily accommodate it because of the request from the Pidie Regency Government for 3 days since Sunday (10/12) in the local beach area.

However, the government asked for additional time to be extended for the next 7 days, and later the refugees were transferred to a more appropriate place.

"Our people are still tolerant of the Rohingya ethnicity, so to make it safer and safer for them to be moved from the first place," said Zakaria.

Meanwhile, UNHCRYance Protection Associate Tamaela said that her party had been looking for a solution for Rohingya, who had just arrived with the police and community leaders.

"It has been agreed that there is a temporary place to accommodate them by setting up a tent on the coast. However, because the incident disturbed the community," said Yance.

He admitted that he had received complaints from residents regarding Rohingya refugees defecating carelessly. This is because the place has not been provided so it is directed to the beach.

"Now the refugees have been moved to a new place, there we are trying to give the best for the Rohingya and the community in the future," said Yance Tamaela.

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