JAKARTA - Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning said the United States (US) and the European Union (EU) also had a bad record in enforcing human rights in their respective regions.

"The United States is full of domestic human rights issues and has a pretty bad international human rights record," Mao Ning said while delivering a statement to the media in Beijing, China.

In a statement on the US Embassy website in commemoration of the 2023 International Human Rights Day of the US Ambassador to China, Nicholas Burns said the US supports countries and people around the world against genocide and crimes against humanity that are ongoing against Uighurs and members of other ethnic and religious minorities in Xinjiang.

Including the matter of human rights violations mentioned by Ambassador Burns by the Chinese government against Tibetans to temporarily eliminate the cultural, language and ethnic identity of Tibet in Hong Kong, the US said that human rights conditions had deteriorated and unfair detention of those who voiced their opinions peacefully.

"If the US really cares about human rights, then the US needs to seriously address domestic problems such as racial discrimination, armed violence, and drug abuse. The last thing to do is veto the Security Council's resolution calling for a humanitarian ceasefire, the only country that has done so, while the humanitarian disaster in Gaza is getting worse over time," said Mao Ning.

According to Mao Ning, the US fabricated and spread false narratives about Xinjiang and imposed illegal sanctions on Chinese companies and officials on the grounds of "human rights issues" in Xinjiang.

"The US has no rights and is not in a position to blame the human rights situation in Xinjiang. The so-called 'genocide' and 'forced labor' are none other than the century's biggest lies spread by the US with the aim of stemming and oppressing China," Mao Ning said.

In fact, according to Mao Ning, what has been achieved by Xinjiang in its development can be seen by everyone and China's Xinjiang policy is broadly supported by the community.

As for the European Union, in an official press release on December 7, 2023 regarding the EU-China's 24th Summit, it was stated that the EU was concerned about the human rights situation in China, especially systemic human rights violations in Xinjiang and Tibet, forced labor, treatment of human rights defenders and people from minority groups, and continued to erode fundamental freedoms in Hong Kong.

"The EU statement contains baseless accusations against human rights conditions in China, spread disinformation, tarnished China's image and strongly violated China's internal affairs. China regrets and firmly opposes this and has committed serious demarche (protes) to EU," said Mao Ning.

Mao Ning said China adhered to a people-centric approach and had protected human rights because Xinjiang and Xizang had long enjoyed economic growth, a harmonious and stable society, as well as protection and promotion of effective cultural heritage.

"The rights and freedoms of all ethnic groups, including freedom of religion and freedom of use and development of the spoken language and writing of their ethnic groups, are fully protected. This fact denies what is called 'genocide' and 'forced labor' as terrible lies," said Mao Ning.

Saat EU menuding kondisi HAM di negara-negara berkembang memburuk selama bertahun-tahun, pada kendatisnya kondisi HAM di EU sendiri juga mengkhawatirkan.

"In recent years, there have been violations of the rights of refugees and migrants in European countries, increasing exclusiveism and racism, neglect of economic, social and cultural rights and rights to development, as well as the application of double standards on issues such as freedom of the press and labor," said Mao Ning.

China, according to Mao Ning, urged the EU to recognize China's progress on human rights issues, eliminating arrogance and bias, leaving a hypocritical double standard, taking concrete action to improve human rights conditions in EU member countries and stopping using human rights as an excuse to interfere in China's internal affairs.

"China adheres to the human rights philosophy that centers on society and believes that a happy life for society is the most important human rights. We have built a society that is quite prosperous in various ways, winning the biggest struggle against poverty and implementing the world's largest education, social security and health services system," said Mao Ning.

Mao Ning also said that China had held an International Symposium on Human Rights in Beijing to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

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