JAKARTA - The Jakarta Military Court II-08 Panel of Judges does not agree with the demand for the death penalty by the Jakarta Military Oditur against three TNI soldiers as defendants in the murder of Imam Masykur.

Chairman of the panel of judges Colonel Chk Rudy Dwi Prakamto when reading the verdict at the Jakarta Military Court II-08, said the charges were not comparable to the actions of the defendants Praka Riswandi Manik, Praka Heri Sandi and Praka Jasmowir which were revealed at trial.

"Regarding the main sentence requested by the Military Prosecutor in the form of the death penalty, it is considered too heavy and incommensurate with the actions of the defendants," said Rudy as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, December 11.

He revealed that the right to life is the basic right that God has given to every human being.

"So that the state cannot immediately revoke (the soul)," he said.

Nevertheless, the panel of judges agreed with the Military Oditur that the three defendants committed premeditated murder together against Imam Masykur.

From the facts of the trial, the three defendants kidnapped, tortured Imam Masykur to death and dumped Imam Masykur's body on August 12, 2023.

The panel of judges assessed that the defendants were legally and convincingly proven to have violated Article 340 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) 1 of the Criminal Code concerning premeditated murder carried out together and Article 328 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) 1 of the Criminal Code concerning kidnappings carried out together.

Based on these considerations, the Jakarta Military Court II-08 Panel of Judges sentenced three defendants to life imprisonment.

As well as additional crimes of dismissal of military service for Praka Riswandi Manik, Praka Heri Sandi and Praka Jasmowir who were previously also asked by the Military Oditur in the lawsuit file.

"The defendant's act of committing premeditated murder and kidnapping together is an attempt by the defendants to avoid legal accountability," said Rudy.

Imam Masykur is a cosmetic shop trader in the Ciputat area, South Tangerang who was the victim of the murder of three members of the TNI on August 12, 2023.

The victim was kidnapped, tortured to death by Praka Riswandi Manik, a member of Paspampres, Praka Heri Sandi, a member of the Topographic Directorate of the TNI and Praka Jasmowir, a member of the Iskandar Muda Regional Military Command.

The motive was because the three defendants wanted to extort Rp50 million from the victim on the grounds that the case of selling illegal drugs was not carried out by Imam Masykur.

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