JAKARTA - The body of a young woman with the initials JS (25) who was found dead rotting with her body put in a plastic bag, her hands, feet and mouth were taped, finally picked up by her family from the Kramat Jati Police Hospital, East Jakarta, Sunday, December 10.
Dewi, JS's older brother, said that the victim was initially invited to work by a friend from the village. They had worked at Hermina Hospital as a cleaning service.
"(before the incident) Several times his cellphone was contacted but it was not active. There were those who brought it to Cikarang, but he never told who brought it," he told reporters, Sunday, December 10.
Dewi said that she had last met the victim for a long time. The victim also rarely communicated with him.
"Last week's communication. But he never told me, indeed recently it has been a bit closed and has never been open. I only got information that the victim died from the police, he said there was a family who died," he said.
Previously, it was reported that the body of a young woman named Julita Simanjuntak (25) who died was allegedly murdered in her rented room in the East Cikarang area, Bekasi Regency, had arrived at the Forensic Medical Installation at the Kramat Jati Police Hospital, East Jakarta, Friday, December 8, evening.
The victim's body will undergo an autopsy process to reveal the cause of the victim's death. The reason is that from the identification of the Bekasi Police, the police did not find any signs of violence on the victim's body. However, investigators need other examinations through the autopsy process.
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