JAKARTA - Former PPN Minister/Head of Bappenas Bambang Brodjonegoro said that now is the best moment to move the capital city from Jakarta to the State Capital (IKN) Nusantara. This opportunity can be used not only to build a dream city, but also to get Indonesia out of the middle income trap.

One of the factors that strengthen Bambang's belief is the presence of demographic bonuses in Indonesia, which is when the number of populations with productive ages between 15-64 years is more than the non-productive population, aged 65 years and over.

This is a once in a life time opportunity. Because if we miss this demographic bonus period, I'm afraid we haven't moved up the class when we have our population become aging (the elderly). It will be difficult to get back to being young later," said Bambang in a discussion entitled IKN, 'Neighborship of the Future and Future' which will take place at the Media Center Indonesia Maju, Jakarta

The presence of productive age, according to Bambang, has proven to be able to remove many countries from the middle income trap and then advance to become developed countries. Therefore, he reminded all elements of society not to be complacent with this opportunity.

"Bonus is something we don't expect to suddenly exist. Indonesia is like that, suddenly having a productive young population, it's a bonus. But we can't have fun, we can't relax. In fact, this is golden opportunity to get out of the middle class trap, like Japan and South Korea," said Bambang.

"But, there are also many countries (with demographic bonuses) that fail. So this is not something automatic. So we have to prepare various strategies, one of which is to strengthen the urban sector," he continued.

Furthermore, Bambang said that the younger generation longs to live in a city that is worth living in. According to him, IKN Nusantara is the dream city of the younger generation, because all utilities are well arranged and drinking water that comes out of the faucet can even be drunk immediately.

Not to mention the core area of government that is guaranteed to be free from pollution because all of them use electric vehicles. In addition, about 65 percent of the IKN region also maintains forest areas that are Indonesia's identities.

Young age groups are clearly exposed to digital technology. They already have a shadow about liveable cities, such as no hanging power lines, water can be drunk immediately. Justri is the best time so that we have a role model of urban development, which will direct other cities in Indonesia to be more liveable," he said.

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