MEDAN - The Samosir District Attorney has named the Regional Secretary of the Samosir Regency Government, Jabiat Sagala (JS) as a suspect in a case of alleged corruption in the misuse of unexpected spending on non-natural disaster management of COVID-19.

Head of Section for the General Prosecutor's Office for North Sumatra, Sumanggar Siagian, said that JS was named a suspect after being investigated.

JS was named a suspect in his capacity as Commitment Making Officer (PPK) for the procurement of nutrition-added food. Apart from that, the investigators also named another suspect, namely SS Plt Kadis Samosir of Transportation.

"The determination of the two suspects is based on the determination of the Head of Samosir District Attorney Number Print-09 / L.2.33.4 / Fd.1 / 02/2021 dated February 16, 2021," he said as quoted by Antara, Wednesday, February 17.

Previously, in April 2020 the Samosir Regency Government carried out the procurement of 6,000 additional food assistance for people affected by COVID-19 which was carried out by PT Tarida Bintang Nusantara from Medan with a budget of IDR 410,291,700.

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