JAKARTA - Chairman of Commission II of the DPR RI, Ahmad Doli Kurnia, admitted that he did not know who proposed the DKJ Bill Article 10 paragraph (2). The Golkar Party politician said that until now he had not received any information about where the proposal for the governor of DKJ was appointed by the president.
The Minister of Home Affairs, Tito Karnavian, said that the DKJ Bill was an initiative from the DPR RI, including the controversial article. Tito also emphasized that he and the government rejected the rules of the Governor and his Deputy were directly appointed by the president. According to him, this is a setback for democracy in Indonesia, because the people can no longer choose its leader. There are reports that the proposed article will lead to a Public Hearing Meeting (RPDU) held by the Betawi Council together with Achmad Baidowi on November 9, 2023.
During the meeting, representatives of the Betawi Council, Zainuddin or Haji Oding suggested that DKI Jakarta, which previously had 4 representatives, be changed to only 2 Representatives. In addition to the proposal, Haji Oding also asked the governor and his deputy to be directly elected by the president with the intention of reducing the political costs for the election procurement. Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Council of the Republic of Indonesia, Achmad Baidowi asked what was the purpose of the proposed appointment of the Governor. Zainuddin replied that the Governor and his deputy were directly elected by the President with the help of a proposal from the DPRD.
However, Haji Oding also added that the mayor and his deputy were still elected through the regional elections so that there would be no gap between regions. Watch the video below.
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