JAKARTA - The method of normalizing 13 river flows in Jakarta is predicted to be the key to handling floods in the capital city. Normalization is a method used to channel water that enters rivers with a sufficient capacity, especially excess water during high rainfall.
However, so far the DKI Pemprov has no domain of undertaking the project because it is being undertaken by the central government. DKI is only tasked with acquiring land that will be affected by the normalization project.
In order for the work to run more quickly, the central government and DKI agreed that the work should be carried out together. Head of the DKI Jakarta Water Resources (SDA) Service, Juaini Yusuf, said that his party would be able to participate in dredging the normalized river. The dredging is in the form of widening and deepening the river.
"We are collaborating with each other to help solve the flood problem in Jakarta. DKI can enter and carry out dredging in rivers which used to be the authority of them (the central government)," said Juaini via text message, Wednesday, March 4.
The dredging that will be undertaken by the ranks of DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan is located in 13 rivers, namely the Ciliwung, Angke, Pesanggrahan, Grogol, Krukut, Baru Barat, Mookevart, Baru Timur, Cipinang, Sunter, Buaran, Jati Kramat and Cakung rivers.
Meanwhile, the installation of sheetpiles or river stones for river wall hardening, construction of sodetan, to construction of embankments, remains the authority of the central government, in this case the Center for the Ciliwung Cisadane River Basin (BBWSCC).
"BBWSCC immediately worked on several problems, namely continuing the installation of sheetpiles that were not installed in the 13 rivers," he said.
So far, the plan to include DKI in river normalization dredging, said Juaini, still cannot be done. His party is still waiting for a memorandum of understanding (MoU) process or a joint agreement with the central government.
"Later we will see what (the center) wants. Now, if we haven't yet, we can't move. We have to wait for the agreement to be ratified," he said.

What the DKI Provincial Government has done
Based on the records of the DKI SDA Office, DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan has controlled the impact of flooding during his leadership. First, the naturalization of the river.
Juaini said, there are 5 rivers that have been naturalized until 2019. "The first is in Pondok Rangon, Cimanggis, Sunter, and two rivers in Kampung Rambutan," Juaini explained.
This year, there are three rivers that are targeted to be naturalized. Work on a river in the Brigif area, Pantai Indah Kapuk, began.
In addition, the construction of an infiltration river with a target of 1.8 million biopore holes for 5 years, began to be done in installments. This program is made in several regional work units (SKPD).
"If the SDA Service has built 1,000 infiltration wells in 2019. This year, it can be accelerated three times as much, namely 3,000. (The auction process) we have used the e-catalog, so there is no need to wait any longer," said Juaini.
In addition to the SDA Office, the Energy Agency and the Highways Office also have infiltration well construction programs. Not only that, people were also asked to make their own infiltration wells in their own homes.
Furthermore, other flood control programs that are being planned include the construction of the river stream of Ciliwung Lama River in Kampung Walang Ancol and the safety embankment of Kali Kamal Beach.
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