Secretary General of the PDI-P (PDIP) Hasto Kristiyanto said presidential and vice-presidential candidates number three, Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD is a couple who is able to go down to the community. They are said to be leaders who can move quickly and this ability does not have other presidential candidates, including Prabowo Subianto.

"Today we are strengthening the downward movement with the people with a narrative captured by the people about Pak Ganjar and Prof. Mahfud MD is the ability to accelerate, the ability to go down, the ability to blusukan," Hasto told reporters at the High End Building, Kebon Sirih, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, December 6.

"And this cannot be done by Pak Prabowo," he continued.

Hasto then mentioned that Ganjar-Mahfud had carried out many campaigns through political safaris to various regions. A similar activity was also carried out by Ganjar's family, Siti Atikoh, who is his wife and child, Alam Ganjar.

From this activity, they then absorbed various aspirations from the community. "Through this fast movement, the whole Team of Winning Mr. Ganjar-Prof Mahfud MD answered very well. So from enthusiasm, from people who want a clean leader, a leader who moves fast, it is in Pak Ganjar-Prof Mahfud," he said.

Thus, the team will continue to move and consolidation will also be held through weekly meetings which are routinely held every Wednesday.

"So every Wednesday we continue to consolidate the victory of Pak Ganjar and Prof Mahfud," concluded Hasto.

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