The Head of Public Relations of the Bali Police, Kombes Jansen Avitus Panjaitan, responded to the viral YouTube content of Robert Marc Lehman regarding the alleged exploitation of dolphins by PT Taman Benoa Bali Exotic Marine Park, in South Denpasar.
Kombes Jansen said, according to the orders of the Bali Police Chief and the Gakkum Sub-Directorate of Ditpolair and the Bali Police Ditreskrimsus, they checked and examined Bali Exotic Marine Park.
"From the results of administrative checks and examinations, witnesses, managers, veterinarians, including the Director of Bali Exotic Marine Park, and from the results of the examination, the number of dolphins owned by PT. Benoa Bali Exotic Park," he said, Wednesday, December 6.
He explained, at the Bali Exotic Marine Park, South Denpasar, 9 dolphins were found with details of 7 entrusted by the Natural Resources Conservation Center (BKSDA) and 2 dead. Meanwhile, 4 grants from the conservation agency PT. Wersut Seguni Indonesia in Kendal Regency, Central Java.
In addition, from the results of the examination of PT. Bali Exotic Marine Park has a permit with IMB Number 02/719/2378/DS/DPMPTSP/2019, a Place of Business Permit (SITU) Number 11/623/2842/DS/DPMPTSP/2019, a list of tourism businesses Number 07/06/74/DPMPTSP/2019, environmental clearance Number: 660.3/1492/IV-A/DISPMPT.
Then, the environmental feasibility permit Number 1439/03-X/HK/2019, and the recommendation of the Head of the Bali Provincial Environment Agency Number 660/999, KPA.BALI/PALH/DIS LH regarding the results of the environmental impact assessment (AMDAL).
Furthermore, environmental management plans or RKL and environmental monitoring plans or RPLs, animal performance park construction activities, and conservation agency permits Number: SK.505/Menihk/Setjen/KSA.2/8/2019, as well as wildlife acquisition permits Number: SK.438/KSDAE/SET/KSA.2/10/2019.
"Currently, the process of examining and interrogation other witnesses at the TKP is still being carried out and conducting laboratory analysis of water and animals, as well as examining experts from the BKSDA by a joint team from the Bali Police," said Kombes Jansen.
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