BANDA ACEH - The city government and elements of the Regional Leadership Communication Forum (Forkopimda) of Sabang City, Banda Aceh, asked the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to immediately transfer Rohingya refugees who were in Sabang to shelters in other areas.

Head of the Protocol and Leadership Communication Section (Prokopim) of the Sabang City Secretariat, Ady Akmal Shiddiq, said the Sabang Forkopimda and stakeholders continued to hold coordination meetings related to the handling of the refugees.

"After passing the time of approximately 5 hours holding a very tough meeting, Forkopimda Sabang concluded that he asked UNHCR to immediately transfer Rohingya refugees outside Sabang City," Ady said as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, December 5.

He explained that the decision was taken given the strong rejection from all Sabang people, after the arrival of the second wave of Rohingya refugees, which amounted to 139 people at Tapak Gajah Beach, Gampong Ie Meulee, Sukajaya District, Sabang City in (1/12).

He said the arrival of Rohingya refugees on Indonesia's westernmost island had caused a strong rejection of the asylum seekers in the Sabang community.

Moreover, Rohingya refugees who are now stationed in the CT-1 Port area of BPKS also received rejection from the local community.

"This can be proven by several times that the refugees have been transferred from one gampong (village) to another, but it still causes the same rejection," he said.

Until now, said Ady, the UNHCR contacted by the Sabang City Government admitted that they were still coordinating regarding the transfer of the refugees.

"In response to the attitude of the people who reject the presence of Rohingya refugees, we don't want things to happen out of control, so UNHCR should immediately move them to a predetermined place," said Ady.

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