JAKARTA - The Expert Board of the Prabowo-Gibran National Campaign Team (TKN), dr. Rina Adeline Sumantri gave clarification on the mistake of saying'sulfat acid' made by the vice presidential candidate number 2 Gibran Rakabuming Raka.

"Gibran's point is 'asam folat' which is related to fulfilling nutrition in lowering the number of tengkes or stunting. Even though there was an error in pronunciation, what was conveyed was an important education. Fulfillment of nutritional needs during pregnancy is an important thing to reduce stunting," explained the clinical microbiologist. in his statement reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, December 5.

Rina explained that this was the reason Prabowo-Gibran had a nutrition assistance program for pregnant women and toddlers, one form of the program was the free aid program for folic acid and vitamin D. According to him, the provision of assistance must also be accompanied by routine examinations.

"One of the most interesting ideas is to provide assistance with folic acid and vitamin D, but it must also be accompanied by routine examinations. The plan will also be checked six times during pregnancy," he said.

According to him, giving folic acid and vitamin D in the program can reduce the possibility of stunting in children. Vitamin D, he said, is very much needed to support calcium absorption, maintain muscle function, help teeth grow to prevent low birth weight in the fetus.

"Asam folate is a type of vitamin B complex that pregnant women need. Some of the benefits include the formation of a fetal nervous system, the formation of a placenta, preventing anemia, preventing miscarriage, and reducing the risk of preeclampsia," said Rina.

With this program, Prabowo-Gibran wants to achieve a faster reduction in stunting. The target, continued Rina, is to reduce the stunting rate to below 10 percent within 3'5 years.

"And reducing the mortality rate of toddlers, which is currently still around 21 people per thousand births. With nutritional needs met through the administration of folic acid and vitamin D in pregnant women, stunting will decrease, hopefully quality generations will be born for Indonesia's future," he said.

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