JAKARTA - The head of the Ganjar-Mahfud Regional Winning Team (TPD) in DKI Jakarta, Prasetyo Edi Marsudi, said that his party is intensifying a campaign to win presidential and vice presidential candidates in the 2024 presidential election.
The chairman of the DKI Jakarta DPRD for the 2014-2019 and 2019-2024 periods admitted that he needed a more massive strategy to campaign for Ganjar Pranowo and Mahfud MD to voters in Jakarta.
This is because the two competing presidential and vice presidential candidates have their own capital in the capital, namely Gibran Rakabuming Raka, who is the son of President Joko Widodo and Anies Baswedan who served as Governor of DKI Jakarta for the 2017-2022 period.
"We are currently dealing with potential figures. One has a son from Pak Joko Widodo, the other has also been the Governor of DKI Jakarta. Well, in charge of me in Jakarta, yes, we consolidate such as work (Pilkada DKI) in 2012, (Pilpres) 2014, and the 2019 presidential election," Prasetyo told reporters, quoted on Sunday, December 3.
Prasetyo did not clearly explain how the strategy for winning Ganjar-Mahfud was in Jakarta. What is clear is that the TPD Ganjar-Mahfud DKI Jakarta will socialize the candidate pair's track record.
Ganjar, emphasized Prasetyo, had experience who had sat in the legislative seats of the Indonesian House of Representatives and executives while serving as Governor of Central Java for two terms.
Meanwhile, Mahfud MD, Prasetyo's claim, understands legal issues very well, in addition to his experience having served as Chairman of the Constitutional Court, members of the Indonesian House of Representatives, to the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs.
"Mr. Ganjar's character with Mr. Mahfud is the people of Indonesia or Jakarta, from the work of his maturity in leadership in the DPR, continues to be in the governor. One in the DPR too, has been a minister several times. I think the people of Jakarta believe that for the benefit of the people, the number 3 pair will win in Jakarta," he explained.
The General Elections Commission (KPU) has determined that the election campaign period will take place from 28 November 2023 to 10 February 2024, while the voting is scheduled to be held on 14 February 2024.
In the 2024 presidential election, the Anies-muhaimin pair with serial number 1 was promoted by the NasDem Party, the National Awakening Party (PKB), the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS), and the Ummat Party.
The Prabowo-Gibran pair with serial number 2 was carried by the Greater Indonesia Movement Party (Gerindra), the Golkar Party (Golkar), the National Mandate Party (PAN), the Democratic Party, the Crescent Star Party (PBB), the Indonesian People's Wave Party (Gelora), the Indonesian Republic of Indonesia Guard Party (Garuda), and the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI), as well as the People's Fair and Prosperous People's Party (Prima) who did not qualify to participate in the 2024 General Election.
Meanwhile, the Ganjar-Mahfud pair who have serial number 3 is promoted by the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP), the United Development Party (PPP), the Indonesian Unity Party (Perindo), and the People's Conscience Party (Hanura).
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