Pulau ROTE - Ganjar Pranowo, presidential candidate in 2024 number 3 stops and witnesses Hus' tradition, in Lekunik Village, Lobalain District while traveling on Rote Island, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), Saturday 2 December.

Hus tradition, is a cultural practice that has been carried out for generations by local people. At first glance, this tradition is like a horse race, but actually, more on equestrian dances. Where men ride horses en masse.

They decorate their horses with flags, traditional cloth and other decorative accessories. The jockeys also wore Rote traditional clothes, complete with their distinctive hat, Ti'ilanga.

The first time he arrived, Ganjar was immediately greeted by residents and jockeys. They introduced their horses to Ganjar each. The atmosphere is getting more lively, because they appear in front of Ganjar.

The former governor of Central Java admitted that he was amazed by Hus' tradition. This is because there are not many traditions in other areas.

"This is Indonesia's priceless wealth. A hereditary culture that has so far been preserved by the community. This is cool," said Ganjar.

According to him, culture in the regions apart from being the identity of the nation, can also be a tourism potential.

"This will be a special attraction for tourists. I think Rote has it," he explained.

Meanwhile, Yerhas, one of the horse jockeys of the Hus tradition, said that the arrival of Ganjar gave a new atmosphere in the implementation of Hus tradition this time.

"Pak Ganjar is amazing to come here and watch Hus," he said.

He hopes that Ganjar and Mahfud MD can make Rote Island more advanced and prosperous. One of them is about culture and nature.

"We support Pak Ganjar to become president. All jockeys support him," he said.

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