JAKARTA - Security officers at Palmerah Station, West Jakarta, arrested AS (34) and MS (33) who were suspected of stealing used rail iron at Kilometer 10+4 between the Palmerah-Kebayoran road plots.

Public Relations Manager of PT KAI DAOP 1 Jakarta Ixfan Hendri Wintoko in his statement said the security team arrested the suspected perpetrator of the case at around 05.20 WIB.

"Initially the security team carried out patrols in the asset area and vital objects belonging to PT KAI Daop 1 Jakarta, then received information that there were indications of theft of used rail iron, then the team quickly and swiftly rushed to the scene," said Ixfan as quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, December 2.

For this incident, Ixfan said, the alleged perpetrators who were caught had been taken to the Tanah Abang Metro Police accompanied by the NCO for the Special Train Police (Polsuska) Aiptu Benny for further development.

Meanwhile, three other suspected perpetrators fled.

The evidence that was successfully secured was used rail iron measuring about 2.5 meters and a white car that would be used to transport stolen goods.

Ixfan appealed to the public not to take goods or objects in the PT KAI Daop 1 Jakarta area, both used and new.

He said the goods, both used and new, were assets that had to be maintained and secured.

"PT KAI (Persero) is a State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN), so if there is a collection or use for any interests it must comply with the rules and permission of the owner, namely PT KAI (Persero) DAOP 1 Jakarta," said Ixfan.

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