Presidential Candidate number 3 Ganjar Pranowo took the time to travel in the morning free of vehicles (CFD) on El Tari Street and check the prices of basic commodities at the Naikoten I Inpres Market, Kupang City, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT).

Ganjar talks with traders regarding the prices of basic necessities, such as sugar to rice.

"How is the price of basic commodities today? What is still rising?" asked Ganjar, quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, December 2.

A trader answered that the price of sugar was rising.

"The price of sugar is rising again," replied Hasni, one of the traders at the Inpres Market Naikoten I.

"Oh, sugar is rising," Ganjar responded.

Not only that, the white-haired presidential candidate also went to another trader. This time, he discussed with a trader named Siprimisa.

"How is the price of chili?" asked Ganjar.

"Now it's IDR 55,000," answered Siprimisa.

Not just talking, the former governor of Central Java also bought chilies and tomatoes sold by Siprimisa.

Sebagai pedagang yang sehari-hari berjual di Pasar Inpres Naikoten I, Kupang, Siprimisa merasa senang karena bisa berdialog langsung dengan Ganjar serta capres itu membeli bahan pokok yang diajual.

"I'm very happy. It turns out that the people are very popular. Moreover, he doesn't just buy it, but also buys it," said Siprmisa.

In addition to buying chilies and tomatoes, Ganjar also bought vegetables and sugar from several traders at the Inpres Market NaikotenI.

According to Ganjar, based on the results of a dialogue with several traders, he noted that there were several prices for basic commodities that were still soaring, including rice and sugar.

"Actually, the most felt by the community yesterday was the price, yes. So, we checked the market earlier. We took samples yesterday, the rice still rose by approximately Rp1,000, then the sugar also rose," explained Ganjar.

Dengan kondisi demikian, Ganjar menilai hal itu harus dikendalikan agar harga- harga itu tidak membuat masyarakat menjadi kesulitan.

"And that's all that must be controlled immediately," said Ganjar.

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