JAKARTA - Vice Presidential Candidate number 2, Gibran Rakabuming Raka attended the Prabowo-Gibran Campaign Team National Coordination Meeting at the Borobudur Hotel, Jakarta.

After attending the National Coordination Meeting, Gibran will conduct a campaign with blusukan to Penjaringan, North Jakarta.

"He'em (to Penjaringan), yes, just come along," said Gibran, confirming reporters' questions at the Borobudur Hotel, Friday, December 1.

However, President Joko Widodo's eldest son was reluctant to reveal the form of the campaign he would do. Whether to distribute free food and milk or something else.

"Ya lihat nanti ya," kata Gibran.

According to information, Gibran will visit residents of Penjaringan, North Jakarta this afternoon. This visit is the first campaign for the Mayor of Solo.

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