JAKARTA - The former chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) bluntly revealed that he had been summoned by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) at the State Palace, Jakarta. It was later discovered that he was asked to stop the corruption case in the procurement of e-KTP which dragged former DPR Speaker Setya Novanto.

In Kompas TV's YouTube show, Agus said he had never revealed this incident. Initially, Rosiana Silalahi as the host asked whether or not the KPK's efforts were used as power tools and Agus said that he had been summoned alone before Jokowi when the investigation into the e-KTP corruption case was carried out.

"When my e-KTP case was summoned alone by the President and at that time accompanied by Mr. Pratikno (Minister of State Secretary). I am surprised that I usually call the five of them alone," Agus said in a broadcast quoted on Friday, December 1.

His arrival also seemed quiet because Agus did not pass in front of the reporters' room. "But through the door near the small mosque," he said.

When he entered the room, Agus found that President Jokowi had gone berserk.

"The president is angry, he wants it, because I just entered he has shouted'stop'. I wonder what was stopped," said Agus.

After he sat down, Agus finally received an explanation of Jokowi's statement that he was stopping the e-KTP case that dragged the name of Setya Novanto, who served as Chairman of the DPR. However, Agus Rahardjo said this could not be done because the investigation warrant (sprindik) had been issued.

"Sprindik itu, karena KPK tidak punya SP3 (Surat Pemberhentikan Penyidikan Perkara) tidak mungkin saya dihentikan, saya cancelkan," ujarnya.

Agus admitted that he did not care about President Jokowi's tantrum. He continued because when the KPK Law had not been revised, this institution was not directly under the head of state.

Agus also said that President Jokowi asked about the case file which he said had been issued, namely sprindik.

"The President also asked the Minister of State Secretary, Mr. Pratik, what is sprindik anyway?" he said imitating Jokowi's statement.

"So it happened at that time," he continued.

Agus admitted that the meeting did not produce any. "Because I was ordered or not, I just went home," he said.

Meanwhile, Presidential Special Staff Coordinator Ari Dwipayana has answered Agus' story. He denied this because President Jokowi always encouraged the strengthening of the KPK.

"We all actually agree that including the president, it encourages the strengthening of the KPK to be carried out and we do it together," said Ari in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Friday, December 1.

Ari Dwipayana conveyed that all parties hope that the KPK can carry out its duties well, and must support not only in the process of taking legal action, but also in preventing corruption.

"So we all actually agree that including the President, the strengthening of the KPK is carried out and we do it together, both by the government, by the DPR, and also by civil society," he explained.

Regarding whether there was a political motive from Agus Rahardjo's statement, Ari stated that he could not answer this. However, he stressed that the meeting between Jokowi and Agus Rahardjo was never on the President's official agenda.

"The information I have is that there was no agenda at that time with the President," said Ari.

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