JAKARTA - The National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, ordered his staff to immediately finalize the case of the death of 6 Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) Laskar that came to the public's attention.

"Regarding cases of public concern, such as KM 50, they will immediately be resolved," said Listyo at the National Police Headquarters, Tuesday, February 16.

This case came to the attention of the public because of the polemic that was generated. On the one hand, the former FPI party claimed that the police attacked first and abused their authority.

On the other hand, the police said, 6 laskar attacked first and fought back by shooting at the officers.

Meanwhile, Komnas HAM intervened to carry out the investigation. They also issued recommendations and found a number of evidence.

"Because there is already a recommendation from the National Human Rights Commission, so of course we have to complete it according to the recommendation," said Listyo.

Komnas HAM handed over 16 items to Bareskrim Polri to investigate the case.

"There are 16 items, there are various things starting from this (package) which we tested ballistics with the minutes we will provide and various other findings related to 16 items," said Komnas HAM Investigation Team Leader Choirul Anam.

Of the dozens of pieces of evidence, some of them are bullets, car body fragments, and some digital evidence.

However, not all digital evidence is submitted to Bareskrim due to limited storage media. Komnas HAM will provide the data at a later time.

"There are several sound recordings, we have also presented them, there are also Jasamarga videos. Some of the Jasamarga videos that we have used, some later because it is very heavy, there are 9,942 videos and there are 130,000 camera catches," he explained.

"Technically there is no external hard drive, so we will recommend that later we do not enter here," continued Anam.

Meanwhile, the Director of General Crimes at Bareskrim Polri Brig. Gen. Andi Rian said that not all evidence from Komnas HAM will be used. Investigators will only use evidence that is deemed necessary.

"Later we will sort it out, the aim is to support the investigation that we are currently conducting to make light," he said, but did not mention what evidence was used.

"We will sort out which one will be able to help or complement the evidence that the investigators already have," he said.

"This alone we are still studying thousands of evidence," he said.

On the previous occasion, Andi said that the case handling process was still at the stage of studying the results of the recommendations from Komnas HAM in the form of a 60-page paper. This means that there has been no significant development regarding this matter.

"The results of the Komnas HAM investigation were only received by investigators on Friday January 29. Investigators are currently studying," said Andi.

In the future, the police will hold a meeting with related parties to discuss the follow-up to the recommendation and the plan is that the meeting will be held in the near future.

"There will be a discussion meeting tomorrow between investigators and the internal control function," he said.

However, when he was teased about the recommendation that he would immediately use it or instead conducted a re-investigation before his pekara title, Andi did not explain the details. He only said that all the authorities on that matter were investigators.

"The mechanism entirely depends on the investigator. Later they will analyze and follow up," he said.

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