JAKARTA - Chairman of the Expert Council of the National Team for Winning Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar (Amdan Zoelva) confirmed that the expert council had designed a work program for presidential and vice presidential candidate pair number 1 with realistic realization so that in the future it could be realized.

"The AMIN National Team Expert Council designed a more realistic, clear, and measurable work program in advancing Indonesia," said Hamdan Zoelva as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, November 29.

Hamdan Zoelva said that the AMIN Expert Council consists of experts in various fields with their expertise and experience, ranging from economists, social, industrial, urban policies, villages and the environment, education, health, women, culture and families, as well as law, bureaucracy, eradication of corruption, and foreign politics.

According to him, AMIN's winning strategy is focused on realistic work targets and real solutions. For this reason, the task of the expert council is to design more realistic, clear, and measurable work programs in order to advance Indonesia in accordance with the main objectives of the vision and mission of AMIN.

"So, it is not just a campaign promise, but also armed with conscience, dignity, intellectuality, and high integrity. We maintain these promises with integrity, we process with intellectuality, and we uphold with dignity," he said.

It was also stated that there were eight formulas that had been agreed upon by the AMIN National Team Expert Council which were in accordance with the vision and mission, namely food independence, access to education and health, job opportunities, equitable development, quality of development, social safety nets, anti-corruption commitments, and anti-mafia commitments.

"All of that is in line with the vision and mission of making Indonesia just prosperous for all," he said.

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