Banjarmasin Police Chief Ultimatum Subordinates Don't Be A Nara Source Of Political Parties-Relawan Election 2024
Illustration of police officers. (Between-Aprillio Akbar)

SOUTH KALIMANTAN - Banjarmasin Police Chief (Kalsel) Kombes Pol Sabana Atmojo forbade his personnel to attend invitations as resource persons during the 2024 General Election.

Some of the prohibitions for personnel aim to maintain police neutrality during elections. Personnel are prohibited from attending invitations as resource persons from political parties (political parties) or volunteers," said Sabana in Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan (Kalsel), Wednesday, November 29, as reported by Antara.

He said personnel could only be present if a letter of assignment was given to secure an event that really needed police assistance.

"The neutrality of the police is implemented in an impartial manner and does not provide support to election participants either in material or immaterial form," he said.

He said that the next ban was that personnel should not declare or promote the identity and work programs of election participants consisting of photos, banners, and campaign props, either directly or through social media.

Personnel are also prohibited from providing official and personal vehicle facilities to election participants. Then it should not be one of the administrators of a political party or a successful team.

Furthermore, personnel are also prohibited from commenting or assessing on discussion activities related to election participants and are not allowed to involve themselves in discussing discussion material. Then, it is not permissible to invite families or the public to choose one of the candidates or certain political parties.

The police chief explained the importance of maintaining police neutrality during the election. This is to ensure that the democratic process runs in accordance with statutory regulations, especially since it is clear that members of the police are prohibited from voting in the election.

"I ask all ranks to comply with this prohibition to maintain public trust in the police. We guarantee that the democratic process will run well for the sake of justice and protection to the whole community," said Sabana.

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