JAKARTA - VOI Today, Tuesday, November 28, summarizes three selected news, including the migration of volunteers from Prabowo Subianto supporters to the candidate pair Ganjar Pranowo - Mahfud MD, to Anies' inaugural campaign agenda at GOR Ciracas, East Jakarta.

The start of the first day of the campaign was marked by the transfer of supporters' masses. Like thousands of volunteers supporting Prabowo Subianto and former Democrat cadres at the Cadre Deklarator Cross Communication Forum (FKLPDK) migrated to the candidate pair Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD. FKLPDK chairman Sahat Saragih said this decision was due to the decision of the Constitutional Court number 90 which smoothed Gibran Rakabuming's steps to contest the 2024 presidential election. He assessed that the Constitutional Court's decision showed high power lust as if requiring disobedience to the constitution.

The declaration of the transfer of FKLPDK support was also attended by the Chairman of TPN Ganjar-Mahfud, Arsjad Rasyid. Arsjad said with the joining of the FKLPDK mass organization, there was more support to win the candidate pair number 3 by working together.

Furthermore, Anies Baswedan conducted his first campaign in front of hundreds of sympathizers in the Gor Ciracas area, East Jakarta on Tuesday afternoon, November 28. In front of hundreds of supporters, Anies promised a change if he was elected president later. The number one presidential candidate collaborated with all legislative party candidates who will run in the upcoming elections.

Through the campaign, Anies explained his work program plan and promised changes in the economy and employment. The calls for sympathizers of his supporters also enlivened the Gor Ciracas area on the agenda of the former governor of DKI Jakarta's inaugural campaign. Watch the video below.

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