JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo advised 1,234 cadets who graduated from the integrative basic education of Soldiers and Bhayangkara Taruna (Prabhatar) TNI Academy and Akpol 2023 to continue to do good so that they can become leaders who have noble personality character and are able to be role models.

"If this is successfully passed, we are sure that one day there will be cadets who will stand like us today, continuing the leadership baton," Sigit said in a statement quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, November 28.

The mandate was conveyed by the National Police Chief while attending the graduation ceremony of the Soldiers and the Bhayangkara Cadets (Prabathar) of the TNI Academy and the 2023 Police Academy together with the TNI Commander General Agus Subiyanto at the Sapta Marga Akmil Field, Magelang, Central Java this morning.

Sigit emphasized that this joint education is a commitment to the realization of the synergy and solidity of all TNI-Polri personnel instilled from an early age or an educational period.

The National Police Chief said that synergy and solidity are important capital for all ranks of the TNI-Polri in carrying out their duties in the future. Especially, maintaining the unity and integrity of the Indonesian nation.

"This is important because the TNI-Polri are at the forefront of maintaining the integrity and sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia," he said.

The former Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police emphasized that the synergy and solidity of the TNI-Polri must continue to be strengthened or strengthened in order to solve various national problems. As conveyed by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

The President, said Sigit, advised the TNI and Polri to continue to improve synergy, improve communication and interaction, often work together to solve common problems.

"I hope that basic education in this partnership integration can become an embedding of emotional ties among cadets, so that they can continue to synergize and be an example for the community in strengthening diversity," said Sigit.

He again emphasized that the synergy and solidity of the TNI-Polri will also be the main capital to answer all forms of national challenges in order to realize the vision of Indonesia Gold in 2045.

"I advise the cadets to continue to strengthen the synergy and solidity of the TNI-Polri at every opportunity. With the strong synergy and solidity of the TNI-Polri, they will be able to overcome various national challenges in order to realize the vision of Indonesia Emas 2045," he explained.

On that occasion, Sigit also reminded TNI-Polri personnel to always be ready to face all forms of challenges that sometimes are not easy. Among them, global uncertainty, technological disruption and geopolitical conditions that can have an impact on domestic security.

All personnel, he continued, must be able to take advantage of the demographic bonus faced by the Indonesian nation from 2030 to 2035. This must be used as an opportunity to realize superior human resources.," said Sigit.

This basic integrated education was attended by 1,234 cadets. Consisting of 535 Pratar Akmil, 240 Pratar AAL, 155 Pratar AAU, 300 Bhatar Akpol and 4 cadets of the Democratic Republic of Timor Leste.

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