JAKARTA - Presidential candidate Anies Baswedan said that the solutions for handling land dispute problems in Indonesia were carried out differently.

"Don't be a solution to all problems. And that's one of our approaches. Not one solution for all," said Anies before leaving to start his first day of campaign at his residence, Jakarta, as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, November 28.

According to him, a solution to land dispute problems in an area cannot necessarily be equated or applied to other regions. Anies stated this when alluding to the dispute problem in Tanah Merah Village, North Jakarta.

The former governor of DKI Jakarta explained that Tanah Merah Village has a land dispute problem with a state-owned company.

Then, he said, residents in the village expressed their aspirations regarding the land dispute in 2016.

Then when Anies served as Governor of DKI Jakarta, he issued a collective Building Permit (IMB) for the residents of Tanah Merah Village as a temporary solution.

"So that residents can get access to drinking water, electricity can get a micro and small business license (IUMK) and other matters," he said.

The judicial process for the village land dispute was still ongoing at that time, but according to him, the community's needs must still be met.

On the other hand, according to him, not all areas experiencing land disputes are the same as those in Tanah Merah, because each case has its own background.

He also hopes that the Governor of DKI Jakarta, who will be elected, will continue the IMB for the Red Land. According to him, do not let the leader neglect his own citizens.

He also promised to find a solution if he became a leader at the national level.

"Well, later we will find a fair solution with the mandate because of the decisions at the national level, not at the regional level. I can do the regional level through the IMB," he said.

Tanah Merah Village became the starting point for Anies Baswedan to campaign on the first day. Furthermore, Anies is also scheduled to visit other points in Jakarta and Bogor.

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