JAKARTA - Volunteer Joko Widodo (Jokowi), who previously supported Ganjar Pranowo, is now back in support of Gibran Rakabuming. They also on behalf of the National Gibran Volunteer Network (JARGON).

JARGON Chairman Michael Kambong said that today is a form of declaration of support for presidential candidate (Capres) Prabowo Subianto and vice presidential candidate (Cawapres) Gibran Rakabuming Raka in the upcoming 2024 presidential election.

"We are returning to Pak Jokowi's one command lap. And it was also followed by a declaration that JARGON was originally formed as Jokowi's command," Michael told reporters in the Warung Buncit area, South Jakarta, Monday, November 27.

Michael also revealed that to make this choice, it took a long time for parties to consolidate with the central, regional and regional leadership councils.

Then, after the agreement was reached, he admitted to saying goodbye to presidential candidate number three, namely Ganjar Pranowo regarding the transfer of support.

"We have also said goodbye well to Mr. Ganjar as a fellow son of the nation and also to the high-ranking teams around Pak Ganjar we have conveyed this matter," he said.

On the other hand, Michael said that regarding his attitude of switching support, after seeing the political dynamics where Prabowo and Gibran will legally become presidential and vice presidential candidates in the 2024 presidential election.

"So when we looked at the political dynamics until the end of a few days ago when Mas Gibran was legally valid, he revoked the lottery number number 2. So JARGON has stated that we must return to support for Mas Gibran who continued Prabowo," he concluded.

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